Friday, June 5, 2009


I think I'm really into HARVEST MOON - A WONDERFUL LIFE right now ...


This kinda scary creature can be found at the Harvest Spirit's house at night. Well, first I thought he's nothing special. But ... if you give him 3 flowers and 3 fish everyday at Spring 1st Year, he'll give you a record!
Well, this record sounds great! And if you don't like it, just sell it to Van!
You can get a cut-scene about Mukumuku if you be friended with Daryl. Enter your house at evening and go out again. You can see Daryl walking to the Harvest Spirit's area. Your character will follow him and you can see that he is throwing foods on the ground, hoping that Mukumuku will eat it and Daryl will take him for some experiments. But no need to worry, the time Daryl sees Mukumuku, he'll scream. LOL. When Mukumuku is actually smiling to him. He'll run away, leaving you alone with Mukumuku. I don't think this cut-scene means anything, but sure it's interesting!

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