Monday, September 21, 2009

Harvest Moon A Wonderful World - Items from Van

Van visits the village at 3 and 8 every month except when it's raining. He buys things from you and you can negotiate about the price, but you can't haggle for a lower price when you buy something from him.

In this post, it is about the items you can buy from Van. Enjoy reading!

  1. Puzzle: this is just for fun. Nothing special and there is no need to buy this item for any events.
  2. Blue ball: you can train your dog with this blue ball
  3. Car: it is not a real car! ^^ it's a miniature of car ...
  4. Brush: you'll need this to take care of your cows/horse/sheep. Better of you buy a brush, because your horse will gain hearts, sheep will has golden wool and cows will produce better milk.
  5. Record: just for fun. But it's great to hear your farm singing. =)
  6. Fishing rod: this is great! Buy this fishing rod and you'll get more money than if you don't!
  7. Red medicine
  8. Blue medicine
  9. Green medicine
  10. Doll
  11. Furniture
  12. Goat: goat is not my favorite animal ... But you can earn some money if you buy a goat ...
  13. Carpet (2)
  14. Carpet (3) : use this to decorate your house

I just bathed my dog, Choky von Pearl. Did you know that people want to pay Rp 300.000,00 only to have a puppy from him? Oh yes, I heard that from a friend of mine. Once Choky is big enough to marry a female dog, people will come and ask Choky to marry their dogs so that they can get a certificate, because Choky has a certificate. Interesting ... ^_^

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