Monday, November 8, 2010

Harvest Moon Back to Nature - Percentage

When you open the start menu, you can check your percentage in Harvest Moon Back to Nature. You can tell your progress by looking at the percentage. And how, exactly, can you boost up the meter?

  1. Earn your beloveds' hearts. Your wife, son, dog and horse. They will give you total 40% 
  2. Upgrade your tools and utensils, such as hoe, watering can, sickles, etc. Use them everyday and upgrade each of them in Saibara's shop.
  3. Find your power berries. The super fruit :)
  4. Catch legendary fish. You have to be an expert fisher, or, at least, spend some quality time fishing on your own.
  5. Try to ship various items. Like crops (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, pineapple, etc) and from the farm: milk, eggs and wool. 
  6. Upgrade your farm. This is also the condition for marrying a girl, so you got the bonus :) 
  7. Ten hearts from Harvest Sprites. They live behind the church, you can visit them when they're not having a tea party. Do not show up with big animals. They will hate you. 
  8. Buying cows and sheep. From Yodel's Ranch.
  9. Be a great chef. Cook as many recipes as you can. 
  10. Be generous. Spare some of your items (I suggest not in year 1) and your cooking for the villagers.
  11. Nurture the hearts. Losing hearts may cause decreasing percentage
  12. Save your animals. Animal medicine is a must have item when you have a cow. Death of a cow will cost some of the percentage. 

I'm having fun building up my percentage. I hope you do too! 

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