Monday, November 8, 2010

Harvest Moon Back to Nature - Money tips

In the beginning, you usually struggle in financial issues. Here are some starting tips:

Making money
is the most important thing to do in year one. Besides marrying a girl, you have to raise a lot of money for the house up-grade, buying animals, buying seeds, etc.

  1. Know the shipping bin. It's the box where you should put the items you want to sell.
  2. Hit the mine. Mine is the great place to earn fast money, since you don't waste any time at all. 
  3. Collect fruits and other items from the forest 
  4. Get a fishing rod from the fisher-man on Saturday 
  5. Buy a bin. It's expensive, but it's worth it. Use it when you're at the mine. 
  6. Slow down on giving gifts. Year one is not about the villagers, it's about raising your money and trying to get a wife. 

Personally, I don't buy cows in Harvest Moon Back to Nature, I make money from harvesting, digging at the mine  (especially that mine in the Winter), fishing, taking eggs from my chickens (I have a coop full of chickens) and selling items to Zack. I did try to take care a cow, but somehow it didn't feel right ... 

How about you? :) 

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