Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Review PlayStation

~Again, this is my school project. I'm reviewing the Sony PlayStation ^_^ and this time I write it in 2 languages, feel free to read!~

Sony PlayStation

Sony PlayStation is a 32-bit fifth-generation video game console from Sony Corporation, was released at 1990. Because of that reason, about 5 years from 1990 was called 'The Generation of PlayStation'

Sony PlayStation adalah game konsol grafis keluaran Perusahaan Sony yang diluncurkan pertama kali pada tahun 1990. Karena alasan tersebut, selama kurang-lebih 5 tahun ke depan akan disebut sebagia 'Generasi Play Station'
Here is the explanation about general parts of PlayStation,

  1. CD Player
  2. Joy Stick
  3. Memory Card
  4. Cabels

Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai fisik PlayStation secara umum,

  1. Pembaca/pemutar compact disc
  2. Joy Stick
  3. Kartu Memori
  4. Pelbagai kabel

General Score ~ 8/10

Penilaian Umum ~ 8/10

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