Saturday, June 13, 2009

Harvest Moon A Wonderful World - Hard Deciding Who Should You Marry?

Most of my friends love to raise their money, but when it comes to wife, they are very confused, they like all the girls! Me too! Muffy is energetic, and Lumina is sooo sweet. So, I made up a simple quiz! Enjoy!

Rules: Each answer has it own score, for example; no. 1;10 + no.2; 30 + no.3 ...
1. You want your child to be:
a. a farmer (10)
b. a musician (40)
c. a scholar (30)
d. an athlete (10)

2. Describe your favorite girl in one word:
a. cool (30)
b. energetic (10)
c. sweet (40)
d. caring (20)

3. Your favorite object is :
a. piano (40)
b. statue from the mine (30)
c. seed (20)
d. red dress (10)

4. You want to focus on
a. love life (40)
b. money (10)
c. family (20)
d. intelligency (30)

5. You love visitting
a. the inn (30)
b. the bar (10)
c. villa (40)
d. seed market (20)

And the result is ...

50-90 : MUFFY
You should marry Muffy if ou want an energetic girl next to you, and probably if you want to focus in raising money, Muffy doesn't cost a lot of money!

100-120 : CELIA
This sweet girl from Vesta's farm will be happy to help you with your plants if you wake up later that she is. Celia's child is the most lovable child while he/she is a teenager.

150-160 : NAMI
Calm and peaceful, your life will be in a total zen if you married Nami, but your child can be a little shy just like her mother ...

190-200 : LUMINA
The youngest bride, her child will love music but not very helpful in the farm.

Hope this helps! And please tell me your result in the comment box! Thanks!

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