- Sea Brem. You can fish this legendary fish after you sold at least 200 fishes. Check how many fishes you've sold at the start menu. You can try this by sea in Spring, Summer or Fall.
- Squid. You'll need a bait for this one, take a little fish from your house and throw it to the sea, then try to fish with your fishing pole. One bait will last for a day.
- Angler. Can only be found at the sea and it has to be Winter. Try to fish from 08.00 pm until 11.00 pm
- Char. Collect sashimi, sushi and grilled fish recipe and then hit the lake to try.
- Catfish. Same as Angler, you depend on the season, but the interesting part is that you will have to fish at the Winter Mine :)
- Carp. The last legendary fish. After you completed the five stages, go fish at Mother's Lake.
While fishing may be an abstract, confusing activity, you can still enjoy the thrill when you're holding the legendary fish :)
~Legendary Harvest Moon!~